Appraiser - Select Comp Recomendations
Updated over a week ago


On the Comp Selection page, there is a 'Suggest Comps' button in the top right. When selected, HouseCanary will populate comp properties for you to review.

HouseCanary suggests comps by picking 4 sale and 2 listed properties with the highest Similarity (i.e. least amount of predicted gross adjustments, to the subject property out of the filtered properties in the Neighborhood & Similar Market Area(s) you defined).

Updating the Attributes of the Subject Property

** If any attribute that has an impact on value is updated, HouseCanary will have new comp suggestions based on the new value(s).

For example, if you inspect the property and realize the property's GLA is twice the size found on MLS/Public Record, our Similarity Scores and Comp Suggestions will re-calibrate once you update the data. After updating the GLA, clicking 'Suggest Comps' again will have new suggestions.

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