Appraiser - Applying Property Details Template
Updated over a week ago

Before applying a template, ensure you have created one in the templates section of Appraiser.

To apply a a template:

  1. Go to your appraisal or Start a new appraisal.

  2. Go to Property Details.

  3. In the upper right, click β€˜Apply template’.

  4. Select the name of the template you wish to apply and click 'Apply Template'.

A few good things to note:

  • If a data field already has a value in it, applying a template will not override the value. This means if you start filling out Property Details and apply your template, all the values you've filled out already is preserved.

  • If data from MLS or Public record conflicts with a value in your template, you will see the blue multi-source shield (

    ) by the data field name.

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