Appraiser - Selecting Comps
Updated over a week ago

Selecting Comps

  1. View selected comps by clicking (the show selected) text beneath Select Comps.

  2. Toggle between map and list view by selecting them in the Comp Selection Sub Header

  3. Check your bracketing by selecting clicking bracketing in the Comp Selection Sub Header

  4. From the List view, sort columns in ascending/descending order by selecting the column header

  5. Also in the List view, mark outliers by selecting the three dots located to the right of the address and selecting the mark as an outlier

  6. Filter your comp results by selecting the filter button on the right hand side of the comp selection sub header

There are 3 methods for selecting comps:

  • After completing your neighborhood, in Map view, click the property pin, in the slide out menu on the right, click select.

  • In list view, click select on the left hand side of the screen

  • Click show suggested (beneath select comps text) and click select on any comps you'd like to choose

Suggested Comps Overview


On the Comp Selection page, there is blue 'Show Suggested’ text underneath Select Comps. When selected, HouseCanary will populate comp properties for you to review.

HouseCanary suggests comps by providing properties with the highest Similarity (i.e. least amount of predicted gross adjustments to the subject property) while taking into account any filters you have defined.

** If any attribute that has an impact on value is updated, HouseCanary will have new comp suggestions based on the new value(s).

For example, if you inspect the property and realize the property's GLA is twice the size found onMLS/Public Record, our Similarity Scores and Comp Suggestions will re-calibrate once you update the data. After updating the GLA, clicking ‘Show Suggested’ again will have new suggestions.

Adding Comps Manually


To manually add a non-listed comp, you must be on the Comp Selection screen. This screen will be the first tab on the left hand side of the page:

  • Use the Add a Comp button on the right hand side of the screen to manually add a property to your comparables

** Depending on the Listing Status selected, you may be required to enter additional information such as the Comps Expired Price and Date.

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