Step 1: Ask a question in the blue text box at the bottom of the screen and submit the question.
Find me all single family homes for sale with a pool in 92037
Give me all properties for sale under $2,000,0000 in Phoenix, AZ
Give me all off-market properties in 33617
Tell me about 572 Lynwood Dr., Encinitas, CA 92024
Find me properties in 92024 within 0.5 miles of a school in the 80th percentile or higher
Find me properties for sale in zip 92008 that have a greater than 5% rental yield
Compare 98332 with 98335
Compare 4914 Cedarwood Ln NW, Gig Harbor, WA 98335 with 7724 30th St NW, Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Step 2: Review the response
The system will analyze the question and provide a response with key details based on the question, such as, but not limited to:
Number of properties analyzed
Average number of bedrooms and bathrooms
Average living area and lot size
Average year the property were built
Estimated sale price
Step 3: Take an action
Download property information
Click on the respective button “JSON” or “CSV” to download either a full or sample dataset.
Get a Property Explorer Report for properties
You can get a HouseCanary Property Explorer Report by clicking the button on the property card on the right side of the screen. This will open up a new tab to Property Explorer with the property already loaded to get your report.
View the map
The location of each property can be viewed on a map for better visualization.
Updated over 8 months ago